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SRD Check valve Assessment






August 21
March 2022

SRD Check Valve Assessment project assessed the safety related check valves (non-return valves) on facilities including ICHTHYS Offshore Facilities CPF, ICHTHYS Offshore Facilities FPSO & ICHTHYS Onshore Facilities.

Safety related check valves (non-return valves) are identified on the SRD registers and are used where the non-return valves form part of an ultimate safeguard (eg affecting relief device sizing, design temperature interface, material selection interface).


The SOW in the project includes:

  1. Review the SRD register, P&IDs and any related calculations to determine the current rationale for tagging these check valves as SRDs.

  2. Perform required calculations/assessment to determine the consequence if these check valves are not identified as SRDs.

  3. Provide recommendation if the check valve can be removed as SRD (Yes/No).

    • For valves that are deemed SRD after the initial screening, complete assessment of the ability to test or inspect and ability to perform modifications to manage risk without credit for check valves.

    • Based on other Operators, or industry best practice, advise on recommended testing frequency or other approaches used to meet the requirements for check valve inspection, testing and maintenance, as per API 521.

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