Plant Asset Integrity of Bashayer 2 Marine Terminal for Petrodar Operating Co (PIDOC), Port Sudan

August 2017
January 2018
PDOC Marine Terminal has been in operation since 2006. The Marine Terminal is designed to receive crude at initial flow rate of 220,00 BPD and ultimately of 500,000 BPD with design life of 25 years.
The facilities includes 3 MBbl crude oil storage capacity (with future additional 1.5 MBbl storage), 2 MBPD shipping rate and 300,000 DWT tanker mooring capacity for crude export facilities. The Marine Terminal facilities also includes interconnecting pipelines to GNPOC Marine Terminal, PLEM and CALM system or vice versa.
To ensure the integrity of all asset and in compliance to HSSE requirement, PDOC requires key documents such as drawings and O&M manuals to be as-built and updated. PDOC has awarded DAR the project to carry out asset integrity assessment to fulfil the above requirement.