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Minor Engineering for M1 Wells Plug and Abandonment TAD Entry Preparation Work






June 2023

M1 gas field is located offshore Bintulu in Sarawak in a water depth of 138m. M1DR-A Drilling Platform has twelve (12) slots which accommodated 8 gas producing wells, 1 water disposal well from Jintan and 3 empty slots with conductor driven in each slot.

M1 Wells Plug and Abandonment (P&A) campaign was completed in Q2 2023 to prepare M1DR-A platform as CO2 storage area for Kasawari CCS project. M1 campaign involves 5 wells with full P&A activities, 2 wells with partial P&A activities and 1 well with remedial and suspension activities.

The campaign was completed using a Semi-Tender Assisted Drilling Rig (Semi-TADR). Since M1 wells are currently producing with Jintan gas evacuating via M1DR-A , the platform was converted to Simultaneous Production (SIPROD) mode prior to commencement of P&A.

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